5 Ways To Get Happy Naturally

1. Spend Time With The People You Love
There's no better mood booster than spending a bit of time with somebody you love. Grab your boyfriend (personally, I do this every weekend, it makes me incredibly happy), or your best friend and even your family. Just go and spend time with the people you surround yourself with that gain positive vibes. 

2. Eat Chocolate
What better reason to eat more chocolate?! Not only does is taste delicious and satisfy those sweet tooth cravings (just me?), it also releases the natural mood-boosting chemical serotonin in our brains. Next time you're feeling a little low, tuck into a bar of chocolate.

3. Write It Down
This is one that I've been doing for a while now, and it definitely helps to boost your mood and view things in perspective. After each day write down three things that went well or made you happy that day - no matter how big or small. After a week or so, look back over these notes. Your awareness of what actually makes you happy will increase and it's nice to look back on the little daily things that boost your mood.

4. Get Creative
A great way to improve your happiness is by expressing yourself creatively. Whether it's putting together a scrap book, doing a bit of drawing and painting or jotting down a short creative story, getting creative is a way to use your imagination and release any unconscious worries. Again, the way in which I do this is writing, which I find so much enjoyment over.

5. Eliminate Negative People
Are the people currently in your life bringing the best out in you? Do you have a positive effect on each other? Are you beneficially serving them, and are they beneficially you? If not, these people need to take a backseat in your life. Surround yourself with people who compliment you, better you and bring out the best in you - and if they don't, stop using up your energy on them.


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