24 Things I'd Tell My 12 Year Old Self
- Don't worry about starting secondary school, you've been through a lot of crap whilst growing up but you will be very happy there, you'll meet some lovely people.
- Face wipes just move the dirt around on your face; use your brain, use a flannel and use a cleanser. Your skin will be a lot better by the time you are 17 if you do this.
- Don't worry about the Maths, you will pull through eventually. Keep trying and don't give up
- That body you hate so much? It's great. Your metabolism will slow down, so make the most of it (and maybe start looking after it a little so your lifestyle doesn't catch up with you quite so suddenly... you'll look back on photos and cry.)
- Don't give a few of the girls the time of day, completely ignore everything they say to you as they have put you through so much in the past.
- High school popularity means nothing whatsoever in the 'real world'.
- Keep playing all the sports you can, you absolutely love them so don't give them up!
- Teenagers are hideous. The 'friends' you have now are not the friends you have later, you will find 1 special friend so don't worry about how awful everyone is in secondary. You'll find your people.
- You will not be this socially awkward forever. In fact, you'll grow to be quite confident in most situations (you'll even conquer that blushing problem, for the most part).
- Don't try and fit in, you'll fit in with some people, and not others don't try and change yourself.
- Smile with your mouth open for photographs. You hate your face? don't. You will get better looking with age.
- Look after yourself. Do something nice with your hair once in a while. It will always get complimented.
- You do get confident. STOP listening to what the girls have to say about you and other people. You are a lot better than them and will always be known as the lovely one.
- Stand up for yourself more. The easiest targets are the ones who accept bad treatment without a fight, so it's a vicious cycle. You know what you've previously been through.
- Leave your comfort zone every once in a while. It's good for you.
- Stop calling yourself dumb. Believe it or not but you will achieve well in your GCSE's and be succeeding your AS levels.
- The guy will be crying over because he likes naomi. Don't. You never spoke or was friends with him after that moment. You're beautiful and way too good for him. You will laugh over the whole situation when you're older.
- Be nicer to your parents: they are incredible, and the way you treat them is hurting them. Would it kill you to tell them you love them? When you wake up, don't be so moany.
- That mood you're trying to convey? One day there'll be an emoji for that. Don't ask.
- Your first kiss comes randomly. It's one experience you will never fail to forget or laugh at. Don't feel bad that you haven't had it yet.
- Carry on with your YouTube, you get a lot of abuse for it but you absolutely loved doing it. Stop listening to what other people think.
- Think long and hard about what you want to do in the future. You absolutely love writing and need to give yourself credit for it a lot more.
- You will get to college and find a group of friends that accept you. When you get your first job in a couple of years, you'll find a boyfriend that you'll fall in love with. STOP thinking you'll never be happy.
- Stop arguing with Chloe will you? She's trying to do her GCSES and will take it out on you. Please try and be close with her.
Ultimately, keep on truckin', girl. You got this. More confidence!
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